In the ancient times the city Olvia flourished on the south of Ukraine. Gerodot, Platon and others wrote about this city. It was established on the bank of the river Bug estuary in VI century BC by the people from Milet. It has existed almost one thousand years. The city at the Black sea is still full of amazing and unraveled secrets. Every year a lot of archaeological expeditions from many countries of the world work here, thousands of tourists come to visit the ancient Olvia. Taking into consideration the fact that the city is being flooded steadily from the sea, the scientists hurry up to study the ancient civilization. Presently there are about 180 settlements found around Olvia. Earlier, till 1902, the lands where the city was situated, belonged to the family of Earls Musiny-Pushkiny. They prohibited to carry out any excavations on their own lands.
Nowadays the archaeologists find new testimonies of the high level of Olivian culture. Even at that times they had trade roots through which the goods had been delivered to the Western Europe - Karpats, Dunainan lands; the Ural region, Volga region and Russia. They had wonderful wheat fields, very good species of grapes and olive oil.
In the times of ancient Rome and Greece fish from those places was a highly valued product. It had been delivered salty and baked mostly in amphorae and baskets. At present time trade, administrative, sport constructions are found including the unique water supply system.. The temples and sanctuaries were of great importance in Olvia. The ancient city had its own calendar and alphabet. The art of Olvia is a testimony of high cultural level of that times: wonderful statues and pictures on different subjects. Since 2002 Olvia has obtained the status of the National Park. All the finds of the scientists are kept at the local Nikolaev museums. Recently the ancient wine making production point was found. Having been doing the excavations the bowls and wine goblets decorated by precious stones were the regular objects to find.
In the ancient times the city Olvia flourished on the south of Ukraine. Gerodot, Platon and others wrote about this city. It was established on the bank of the river Bug estuary in VI century BC by the people from Milet. It has existed almost one thousand years. The city at the Black sea is still full of amazing and unraveled secrets. Every year a lot of archaeological expeditions from many countries of the world work here, thousands of tourists come to visit the ancient Olvia. Taking into consideration the fact that the city is being flooded steadily from the sea, the scientists hurry up to study the ancient civilization. Presently there are about 180 settlements found around Olvia. Earlier, till 1902, the lands where the city was situated, belonged to the family of Earls Musiny-Pushkiny. They prohibited to carry out any excavations on their own lands.
Nowadays the archaeologists find new testimonies of the high level of Olivian culture. Even at that times they had trade roots through which the goods had been delivered to the Western Europe - Karpats, Dunainan lands; the Ural region, Volga region and Russia. They had wonderful wheat fields, very good species of grapes and olive oil.
In the times of ancient Rome and Greece fish from those places was a highly valued product. It had been delivered salty and baked mostly in amphorae and baskets. At present time trade, administrative, sport constructions are found including the unique water supply system.. The temples and sanctuaries were of great importance in Olvia. The ancient city had its own calendar and alphabet. The art of Olvia is a testimony of high cultural level of that times: wonderful statues and pictures on different subjects. Since 2002 Olvia has obtained the status of the National Park. All the finds of the scientists are kept at the local Nikolaev museums. Recently the ancient wine making production point was found. Having been doing the excavations the bowls and wine goblets decorated by precious stones were the regular objects to find.
Many of the archaeological values of the ancient times have been preserved till today and they can tell us a lot about the daily life, beliefs of the past.
Nowadays we can enjoy the Sacred Altar that has been preserved on the land of Olvia. It had been kept due to a lucky chance. While Olvia's siege , in IV century BC, a stone hit the altar. It has been strewn with clean river sand and in that very way it has been preserved for thousand years till 30 years of XX century. The visitors may also see the sacrificing bowl that is perfectly preserved. Even now we may see the trace of the stone - this chance - the way how we can see this ancient miracle.
One of the most interesting monuments of the ancient city is a well of 40 m depth stretching deep into the ground. It is known from the legend that all the riches of the city were thrown into one of the city's wells and strewn with the sand before the inevitable capture of the city by the invaders. That is why all the wells found have a great interest with the archaeologists.
Nowadays the visitors of Olvia come to this well, make the wish and throw coins into it. The wishes possibly come true because the well is known as the Happiness Well.
When you come to Odessa try to find some time to visit the ancient city. It is one of the unique monuments in the CIS - the State National Park of the Archaeology Institute of the Ukrainian Science Academy. Olvia - is the archaeological Mecca of Ukraine.